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Visual effects

Tsunami. Aqueduct destruction breakdown.

This is a project from about a decade ago. I decided to refresh it. Initially, the entire simulation was done with PFlow in 3ds Max. Now I have added Max Fluids. The entire geometry of the scene with the exception of the aqueduct is procedural. All textures are procedural.

3d Mapping

This is part of the 3D mapping work. Сity model was shown at the exhibition and illuminated by three projectors. To work with the model in 3d, it was scanned by a 3d scanner. Since initially there was no known musical accompaniment or duration, I decided to make a special rig for the scene that allowed me to change the presentation on the fly. The presentation worked with the real time engine. Everything was made in 3ds Max and exported to fbx.

Smoke simulation

My work as an Fx specialist in the animated series Buba.
This video shows the working versions of various special effects and the ones taken into final render.
Everything was done in 3ds Max. Here you can see the creation of smoke and dust, as well as cloth simulation and working with particle systems.
Basic tools: PFlow, FumeFx, MassFX.

Cloth simulation

My work as an Fx specialist in the animated series Buba.
This video shows the working versions of various special effects and the ones taken into final render.
Everything was done in 3ds Max. Here you can see cloth and soft bodies simulations.
Basic tools: MassFX, Flex modifier.



Intro for an interactive presentation. Done with 3ds Max 2020. Sequence rendered from viewport.

PFlow, Data Modifier.

VFx. 3ds Max 2017. No plugins.

My work on a special effects for a game Magic Wand. The video presents iterations and different variations proposed by me. 98 percent of all effects done using PFlow in 3ds Max 2016, 2017 (the rest is modelling and modifiers). I do not use any scripts and plugins. PFlow provides total control over the effect and allows you to quickly make adjustments and issue a new iteration. The scene is completely procedural. Effects were visualized in 3ds Max, assembled in Adobe After Effects. After this sequences inserted into the game.



Zombie. PFlow. Fluids. 3ds Max 2019 without plugins.

This is an example of using PFlow with animated objects. In this example, I created a simple animation using CAT. The dynamics of objects is controlled by a particle system. The particles are attached to the bones with deflectors. liquid is created using Max Fluids. Render - standard Preview.

Procedural breaking objects

Building Destruction

A series of lessons on the PFlow system.
The course describes how without plug-ins quickly break any object into fragments, depending on material from which it is made, how to create smoke, dust, fire, and even clouds.
Also I will tell how to achieve interaction between all the described elements.

3ds Max 2015 without plugins.

Breaking objects with PFlow.

Cars Crash

3ds Max 2012 without additional plug-ins.
The scene was used in the presentation of the Joint Stock Company "Russian Space Systems".
All textures are procedural. Dynamics - MassFX, deformation - Cloth and SkinWrap modifier. Grass - Hair and Fur. Trees standard - Foliage. Smoke, debris, traces of a car and flowers in the grass - Particle Flow. A small processing in After Effects.


Liquid Explosion

Experiments with the dynamics of fluids.

3ds Max 2010 without additional plug-ins.
BlobMesh, Particle Flow, Mental Ray


3ds Max 2013 without plug-ins.
Water, foam and spray - Super Spray and BlobMesh. Wet walls (Particle Paint), rubbish and stones on the floor - Particle Flow. Almost all textures in the project are procedural. Water interacts with debris on the floor.

Render - MentalRay.

Falling Water

3ds Max 2013 without additional plug-ins.
Dynamics of fluid - Particle Flow. The surface of the liquid - BlobMesh. Visualization - MentalRay.

Interactive hair system

Hair Interaction with liquid.

Experiment with particle systems in 3ds Max.

Liquid simulation

My work as an Fx specialist in the animated series Buba.
This video shows the working versions of various special effects and the ones taken into final render.
Everything was done in 3ds Max. Here you can see the creation of various liquids from very viscous to the density of water. Jelly-like substances were created using particle systems.
Basic tools: PFlow, MaxFluids, Flex modifier.

Particles simulation

My work as an Fx specialist in the animated series Buba.
This video shows the working versions of various special effects and the ones taken into final render.
Everything was done in 3ds Max. Here you can see simulations done with PFlow system.

CG Waterfall

The whole scene is completely procedural (geometry and textures). Clouds, rocks, trees, waterfall, foam - ParticleFlow. Rocks - Displace modifier. Trees - standard Foliage. Visualization - Mental Ray.

3ds Max 2015 without plug-ins.


Complex visual effects in 3ds Max 2012 without additional plug-ins is real. Here is an example.
Fire, smoke, debris, sparks, dripping and hot air - Particle Flow. All the PF system consists of 35 events. Composing - After Effects.


Infection. 3ds Max 2018. No plugins.

The project is based on tutorial by Alana McKay. Original Alana McKay's video you can watch here:

Allan used 3ds Max 2018, Fume FX, V-Ray, Photoshop, Nuke in this tutorial. As usual, I decided to achieve a similar result using only 3ds Max and After Effects. I tried to make the scene even more procedural. Liquid and smoke - Max Fluids (available in 3ds Max 2018.3) Render - Scanline, Arnold (for smoke) The texture of the spot of infection have been drawn in 3ds Max with Viewport Canvas tool. The other textures are procedural. PFlow controls all effect: Spreading the stain; Time, place and amount of fluid; Traces of the liquid; Flying pieces; Background distortion.

Procedural breaking objects

Experiments with breaking different materials using PFlow. Smoke is created using Max Fluids. Render - standard Preview.

CG Wave. 3ds Max. No plugins.

My working project. The basic view of a wave is a top. But in the perspective it also looks good. So I decided to share this project with the world.


Water - rig plus modifiers. Splashes, ripple and foam - PFlow.


3ds Max 2013 without additional plug-ins.
Water surface - modifiers. Splash, spray, foam, bubbles, circles on the water, water on the ball, leaves - ParticleFlow. Render - MentalRay.


Fluids in 3ds Max without plugins

1.Fluid dynamics - Particle Flow. Surface - BlobMesh (particles are not renderable). Visualization - Mental Ray (draft render for speed).
2. Color for liquid and reflections received with same Particle Flow system. In this case the particles were visualized with the Scanline Renderer.

3ds Max 2013.

The project file can be downloaded here:


Oil spillage vfx

This is a short video about creation of an oil tank destruction. The plot was used in the film about the aftermath of an oil spill.

My work: modeling, texturing, animation, particle dynamics, physics, fluid dynamics, visualization, composing, effects.

Norilsk Nickel Intro

Intro for presentation video clip of Norilsk Nickel company.

My work: Idea, 2D footage, 3D modeling, animation, particle dynamics, rendering, composing, effects.

More videos can be found on my channel You Tube.

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